
Jelurida Weekly Wins

25 三月 2024



Mythical DAO is now listed on DAOBase

What an exciting development for the crypto world! Mythical DAO has officially landed on DAOBase, making a significant milestone for both the platform and enthusiasts of cryptozoology alike. Mythical DAO, characterized by the exploration of global mythologies, now stands tall as a verified entity on DAOBase, a wider decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) ecosystem which is designed to foster collaboration, governance and community engagement. This listing not only enhances the visibility of Mythical DAO but also opens up avenues for interaction with other DAOs and crypto enthusiasts. Join the adventure, and let’s explore the wonders of myth and imagination in the decentralized world!

Ardor Beginners Series - Recovery Phrase & Ledger Live app setup

Get ready to safeguard your crypto holdings with our video tutorial of the Ardor Beginners Series. In this last episode, we dive into the essential steps of securing your Ardor tokens using a Ledger wallet device. Start by setting up your recovery phrase, which is the crucial step to have a fail-safe mechanism to regain access to your tokens in case of unforeseen circumstances. Additionally, we’ll walk you through the installation of the Ledger Live app, providing you with a user-friendly interface to manage your Ardor tokens effortlessly: monitor your portfolio, send and receive transactions, and stay updated on the latest developments in the Ardor ecosystem. Watch the video and protect your Ardor assets like a pro!

Play your next bridge tournament on Bridge Champ!

Looking to host your next bridge tournament with ease and sophistication? Look no further than Bridge Champ! This advanced platform offers unparalleled customization options and seamless gameplay, ensuring an unforgettable experience for players of all levels. Bridge Champ simplifies the process of organizing and conducting bridge tournaments, allowing you to focus on the excitement of the game itself. With intuitive features and a user-friendly interface, you can set up and manage your event smoothly, from registration to scoring. Ready to elevate your bridge tournaments to new heights? Head to bridgechamp.com!

Ardor & Ledger Series covered in Chinese media

A recent coverage in Chinese media has highlighted some of the advanced features of the Ardor blockchain platform, such as the Ardor Marketplace and the bundling process, as well as the integration with the Ledger Nano X wallet device, which enhances the accessibility and security of Ardor transactions. This article underscores the growing recognition of Ardor’s capabilities and its commitment to fostering a secure and user-friendly blockchain ecosystem. Besides, the partnership with Ledger places Ardor as a leading platform in the blockchain space.

The Weekly Wins videos come to you thanks to community member Madfox!