
Jelurida is issuing a warning to all Nxt users that there is nothing private in the Apollo private transactions.


Jelurida makes a public notice of the non-existence of any partnership with Apollo Currency, and of no support whatsoever from Jelurida to the Apollo project.


Max Property Group has chosen Ardor over Ethereum and others for its global property platform expected to be operational in over 120 countries by the end of 2018.


xCubicle and Jelurida collaborate to provide Binance Decentralized Exchange in Binance 2018 DEX Challenge.


Jelurida, the development company of Ardor and Nxt blockchain platforms, continued to expand its international presence over the past week with team members attending four major blockchain events worldwide in Oxford, London, Monaco, and New York City.


During Q1/2018 the Jelurida Marketing approach has made a gradual transition from the ICO with many heroic efforts led by developers to an organization with a professional marketing plan.


The 4YFN Awards is the startup competition at the 4YFN conference, that takes place during the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. Jelurida was selected as a finalist out of 300 startups to apply and pitched four times in front a massive tech audience.


Jelurida, among ten finalist startups, has been selected to pitch on the main stage, meet up with investors, and exhibit within the innovation market at 4YFN Barcelona and in Mobile World Congress.


Jelurida and Ardorgate are excited to announce the official launch of AEUR, the Euro-pegged child chain of the Ardor Blockchain Platform.
