
During Q1/2018 the Jelurida Marketing approach has made a gradual transition from the ICO with many heroic efforts led by developers to an organization with a professional marketing plan.


The 4YFN Awards is the startup competition at the 4YFN conference, that takes place during the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. Jelurida was selected as a finalist out of 300 startups to apply and pitched four times in front a massive tech audience.


Jelurida, among ten finalist startups, has been selected to pitch on the main stage, meet up with investors, and exhibit within the innovation market at 4YFN Barcelona and in Mobile World Congress.


Jelurida and Ardorgate are excited to announce the official launch of AEUR, the Euro-pegged child chain of the Ardor Blockchain Platform.


Watch this introductory video series about Ardor and Nxt. New video to be published every two weeks!


The Ardor release schedule from the end of the ICO until the Ardor production launch.


Information about the IGNIS Airdrop - all frequently asked questions in an easy to digest infographic! Thanks to community member joelq for creating it!


A-Trust GmbH, the entity responsible for providing the digital identity for the Austrian citizens, teamed up with Jelurida and the ANG (Ardor NXT Group) to initiate an enterprise application which enables Austrian municipalities to publish their announcements on a digital bulletin board.


Jelurida has partnered with Ardorgate to deliver an Ardor based Euro pegged child chain token named AEUR.
