A new partnership between Jelurida, Aumenta Solutions, and MSI is set to revolutionize the port infrastructure maintenance industry. Utilizing blockchain technology and augmented reality (AR), this innovative platform enables real-time maintenance data sharing, increasing efficiency and reducing downtime.
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eSignus has integrated Ardor, Ignis, and Nxt protocols into the hardware wallet HASHWallet Link. With this integration, HASHWallet becomes one of the first cold wallets that supports Ardor, allowing his large community to easily store, buy, sell and swap their $ARDR, $IGNIS and $NXT tokens.
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The scope is to develop several Ardor blockchain-based solutions for Correos Spanish public tender and the European Union.
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Jelurida has won a court action in the Netherlands against Apollo Fintech in summary injunction proceedings for license violation and copyright infringement. Apollo has been ordered to fulfil its obligations under the JPL in full and unconditionally.
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Jelurida has started legal proceedings against Apollo for copying and using Nxt code without fully complying with the Jelurida Public License. A writ of summons has been filed, and the case will be heard on Aug 25, 2020, in Amsterdam. The court case has broad implications for the practice of cloning open source blockchain software in violation of its license.
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HotCity, a sustainable energy project funded by the Austrian government and operated by various partners, is pleased to announce the launch of its testnet on the Ardor public blockchain. HotCity uses gamification powered by blockchain technology to crowdsource waste heat that will be directed into neighborhoods, making them more energy-efficient. The project aims to develop a means of ensuring that neighborhood planning becomes more energy-oriented and efficient.
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Blockchain Anywhere! The latest Nxt release 1.12.2 is out, now with support for full node on Android. Run a fully featured Nxt node and forge on your mobile phone!
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Spanish company eSignus, has signed an MOU with Jelurida to integrate Ardor into its HASHWallet, an innovative hardware wallet in the form of a smart card.
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Australian-based blockchain development company Labrys and Jelurida start a partnership to promote Jelurida platforms and the expansion of Ardor's child chains in Australia.
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