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CoinCodex NFTMagic
Ardor Twitter Bot Suggests the Future of NFTs

Coincodex: Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are one of the most exciting crypto verticals, even if they have yet to take off in the way many commentators predicted. Back in 2017, the CryptoKitties craze caused gridlock on Ethereum, and one crazy cat wanted a digital kitty so bad, he blew $170k worth of ETH to obtain it (over $780k at today’s prices). Based on the performance of what was, at the time, an extremely young digital resource economy, we might reasonably have expected the NFT market to be further forward in 2021. Alas, progress has been slow. However, there is ample evidence to suggest that things are finally starting to change in the NFT ecosystem.

A new product called DeFiMAGIC represents a fresh use case for NFTs. Conceived by the team behind multi-chain platform Ardor, DeFiMAGIC is a Twitter bot that brings NFT capabilities to one of the world’s most popular social networking sites. While the exchange of ideas (and insults) is incredibly easy on a hectic platform like Twitter, what about the exchange of value? That’s a concept that struck Ardor’s developers as worth exploring.

January 21, 2021

DeFiMAGIC‌ ‌Demonstrates‌ ‌NFT‌ ‌Use‌ ‌Case‌ ‌on‌ ‌Ardor‌

ZyCrypto: 2020 saw a surge in defi and non-fungible token (NFT) activity happening on Ethereum as excitement grew around the prospect of yield farming and investing in the new world of digital collectibles. Inspired by this growing interest, members of the Ardor community set out to develop DeFiMAGIC, harnessing the features of the multi-chain platform including its Singleton Asset and Data Cloud. While there is still room for optimization and cost reduction, DeFiMAGIC is a great example of both the defi and NFT potential of the Ardor blockchain. Launched in 2018 by the same developers responsible for Nxt, Jelurida, Ardor is a multi-chain proof-of-stake blockchain platform with a unique parent-child chain architecture and powerful customization opportunities. In this system, the security of the entire network is provided by the parent Ardor chain that runs using the ARDR token. The interoperable child chains then operate with their own native tokens, delivering rich functionality with the flexibility necessary for a variety of use cases, including NFTs.

January 18, 2021

ZyCrypto DEFIMagic NFT
Coinpost Triffic

CoinPost: スイスのブロックチェーン開発企業ジェルリダ(Jelurida)は、自身が開発を行うブロックチェーン「アーダー(Ardor)」エコシステム内の構築されているAR(現実拡張)ゲームアプリ「Triffic」の最新開発進捗を共有した。 Trifficは、20年9月にTriffic独自のチャイルドチェーンをアーダーエコシステム内に作成。これ以降、DEX(分散型取引所)付属ウォレットや新規UI実装など急速に開発を進め、同年12月にはゲーム内トークンGPS利用体験を向上させるための、パワーアップアイテム機能を追加したことを発表した。 ジェルリダは、ブロックチェーン基盤のゲームプラットフォーム開発に注力し、20年12月には、オンチェーン版のトランプゲーム「Bridge Champ」の構築をイグニス上で開始した。Trifficとは、アーダーブロックチェーンを基盤にしたARゲームアプリだ。ユーザーはアプリ内の地図を利用して現実世界を歩き回り、地図上に表示されたビーコン(Beacon)と呼ばれる位置情報発信源を見つける「宝探し」を楽しむことができる。ビーコンには様々な報酬が用意されており、中にはゲーム内で利用されている仮想通貨GPSトークンを付与するものもある。

January 13, 2021


WeChat: 2020年是非常魔幻的一年,我们经历了史无前例的疫情,生活被彻底打乱,也见证了比特币的疯狂,价格不断新高。对Ardor来说,2020年是非常重要的一年,Ardor在这一年成功实现区块链产业布局,技术革新取得重大突破。 先来简单介绍一下Ardor,Ardor是Jelurida旗下的公链项目,Jelurida是行业内领先的区块链技术服务公司,专注于为项目提供区块链技术解决方案。 Ardor总量10亿枚中文名阿朵,由NFT1:1映射而来,Ardor是NXT的改良版本,采用POS共识算法。Ardor采用子母链结构,母链负责整条链的安全,子链负责处理链上日常数据,其数据处理速度、链上运维安全、可拓展性等方面在行业内处于领先水平。两条链分工合作,共同维护整条链的正常运行。

January 07, 2021

WeChat Ardor3.0
20201228 L BlockchainNews Triffic
How Triffic is Gamifying Advertising for Local Businesses

Blockchain.news: Triffic has to be able to monetize the platform itself to fund future development and ongoing operation. Therefore, the app makes revenues from its own GPS tokens. These come from three channels – from a share of advertising revenues, from in-app subscriptions for account upgrades, and from a share of revenues from Partner Beacons. Triffic is developed on the Ignis blockchain, the main child chain of the Ardor blockchain. Ignis offers out-of-the-box features that allowed the team behind Triffic to get up and running with a blockchain-based application without having to develop their own platform. Triffic plans to migrate to its own dedicated Ardor child chain in 2021 as part of its expansion plans, which include extending GPS rewards to ridesharing and food delivery apps. However, it’s currently one of three promising projects developed on Ignis. Treecoin is another. The third is Bridge Champ, an online gaming platform for players of the popular strategy card game, contract bridge. All three projects are supported by Jelurida, the firm that operates the Ardor ecosystem. Jelurida has a long pedigree in the blockchain development sector, having been part of the team that developed Nxt in 2013, the first pure proof-of-stake blockchain.

December 28, 2020

Three Projects Showcasing the Features of Ardor

ZyCrypto: It’s now three years since the Ardor blockchain launched on mainnet, the first multi-chain platform of its kind. Ardor was built by the same developers responsible for Nxt, the first pure proof-of-stake blockchain that has been operating continuously and without interruption since 2013. Jelurida, the firm behind Nxt and Ardor, decided to develop the latter to overcome many of the problems of legacy blockchains, such as bloating, dependency on a single token, and a lack of customization opportunities. Ardor’s parent-and-child chain structure solves each of these issues. The parent chain runs on the ARDR token and is responsible for the overall security of the network. Child chains can connect into the parent chain, operating with their own native tokens. Only those transactions which affect Ardor’s proof of stake validator balances are stored on the parent chain, with other child chain transactions pruned to reduce bloating.

December 23, 2020

20201223 R ZyCrypto Three Ardor projects