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Jelurida Weekly Wins

21 10월 2019


Kristina and Tomi at the South Switzerland Innovation Forum

Kristina and Tomi were at the South Switzerland Innovation Forum sharing information about Jelurida's products and building new connections near the company headquarters. The team is picking up on some new trends in the blockchain industry and is keen to capitalize on offering solutions in the near future.

Two Ignis-based games on display at Game City Vienna

Donau University of Krems had several experts on site at the Game City Vienna conference showing attendees how to play two different games built on the Ignis chain of the Ardor platform. The first was Gallery Defender from Texas A&M, and the second was Tarasca, a game noted in the ITU's DLT report on use cases as an example of crypto-collectables.

Jelurida Africa launches new phase of their twitter campaign

What do you know about the Ardor blockchain? That's the question Jelurida Africa posed to their twitter followers for their 30 days of blockchain challenge. Now, the challenge is being changed to brainstorm ideas for development on the blockchain. Each day, followers on twitter compete to be the first to share a new, original and realistic use case - and in return, they receive some IGNIS tokens!

Jack and the Blockstalk highlights Nxt's proof of stake algorithm

Nxt's proof of stake algorithm is one of the longest standing, yet least understood technologies by mainstream blockchain analysts. This week, Nxt's elegance was on full display when Jack and the Blockstalk did a complete review of just how this energy efficient consensus algorithm works differently from others on the market.

Anna at Blockchain Life 2019

Anna expanded Jelurida's presence into Russia this week with her attendance at the Blockchain Life 2019 conference. The event provided a number of opportunities to form new relationships in the Russian Federation.

Jelurida Africa sponsored a Huobi meetup in Nigeria on October 19th

Huobi hosted a meetup in Lagos focused on digital assets and Jelurida joined Dash and YellowCard as lead sponsors of the event. The crowd was excited to learn about this new class of assets and the Jelurida Africa team was there to help everyone understand the Ardor platform's revolutionary offerings.

Jelurida Korea to speak about blockchain and SDGs at UNOPS-STS&P 2019 Event

Cheoleung Kim has been invited to speak at the Smart Technology for Sustainable Development and Procurement 2019 conference run by UNOPS in South Korea that runs from October 21-23. Find out more about how Ardor's energy efficient technology enables a host of new use cases related to renewable energy, expanding financial access, and more.

The Weekly Wins videos come to you thanks to community member Madfox!